Sunday, February 27, 2005

The fog is gone!!!!! Yay!!! I love the sun! It is so warm and nice! Today I went on a walk to my secret place and I just stared at the sky and I felt the sun on my shoulders and the wind on my face and the grass under me and I thought this is as good as it gets. Even though my life isn’t perfect it feels like it is when I am there. I think fairies would live there if they existed. When I’m there I even feel like they do exist. And sometimes I get mad at the scientists because they have to explain everything. I want to think clouds aren’t just water but that you can hold them in your hands. I want to think that fairies are real. But that time in my life is over now. Oh well. There are great miracles still. Like Jesus bringing to life that little girl. Oh how I love Jesus. We have this song in our church that I love. It expresses what I feel so well. In fact I think I’ll post it.
The Lord is my light, then why should I fear? By day and by night his presence is near. He is my salvation from sorrow and sin; this blessed assurance the spirit doth bring.
The Lord is my light; though clouds may arise; faith stronger than sight looks up through the skies; where Jesus forever in glory doth reign. Than how can I ever in darkness remain?
The Lord is my light; the Lord is my strength. I know in his might I’ll conquer at length. My weakness in mercy, he covers with power, and walking by faith I an blessed every hour
The lord is my light my all and in all. There is in his sight no darkness at all. He is my Redeemer, my Savior, and my King. With saints and angels his praises I’ll sing
This is the chorus:
The lord is my light, he is my joy and my song, by day and by night, he leads, he leads my along.
Isn’t that cool?
Well, have to go now.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Fog fog go away and never come back another day

It is very foggy today. I don’t like the fog. It gives me the mood swings. But even worse it also makes me type slowly and it makes my thoughts confused. I could hardly do my school and it to a lot longer than usual. Plus it has been foggy for days so I haven’t been very nice lately. I haven’t even done anything fun. That’s why I haven’t linked anybody yet. I am going to link a bunch of people as soon as the fog goes away. I am also mad because our space bar isn’t working very well and I have to hit it really hard. So until the fog goes away I won’t post anymore but when it does I will give you a nice long post about what has gone on in my corner of the world.


Monday, February 14, 2005

Just a little bit of rambling.

By the way I am kind of rambling in this post. Just so you are properly warned. I want to talk about blogs. You would think that they wouldn’t be that awesome. My friend, when she told me about them I thought they would be really boring. But when I investigated further they seemed better than I was expecting. And I think I found out why. I thought I was completely open with my friends and I was in a way but when I blog I usually find out things I didn’t even know I thought. You know? I start blogging really peacefully about a subject but then I get so heated up and I won’t even know I felt that strongly about it till I read back and realize that this is more important to me than I thought. So a blog is more than a chat place though that is a good thing about blogs. It’s a place where you learn more about yourself and others. So the thoughts of others help you understand your own thoughts.
It is also surprising how different each post is. So one day your post can be thoughtful and the next angry and you still have the same feelings you had before, you just go deeper into yourself. And sometimes it’s vice versa. You never know how each issue will strike you. And most of the time it hits you different than you would guess. And that is the great thing about blogs. Every time you blog you learn more about the person you were meant to be. That is how great writers are developed. By learning about them selves. Isn’t that an interesting thought? It just struck me how much this blog is helping me learn about the earth and everything in it and this is just my 5th post. And why do we even read other peoples blogs? Well, to answer that question I think we have to look at a point. We read blogs to be refreshed, to learn and grow. But how can it be interesting to read about other people’s lives and feelings? I mean blogging is great to me but how did it get so popular when all you can really talk about is other thoughts and feelings. Well I love doing these things, don’t get me wrong but I also love to analyze. So I love all your blogs and I definitely don’t think they are at all boring. So now that we got that cleared up I will finish analyzing. It is very hard to find good words to express our feelings so when somebody else does it, the words help us understand more and more. So it kind of takes away some of, well how do I phrase this, deep thinking on that subject so you can deep think on another subject and in consequence they don’t have to post about that, they just post a comment on how they agree and that subject is taken care of unless you want to expound and then its just fun more than obligation. I mean blogging isn’t an obligation, but you know what I mean.

Just a quick note, I don’t really give book reports because I don’t really like talking about the authors feelings except for sometimes, so I just give a book cover report. I just tell them that I like it and the main character/s name/s and the situation. By the way I love book reports (reports sounds kinda schoolish L . Oh well.) I just don’t love writing them. So I love to hear what books you love so keep rolling out those book , dare I say reports? If you would like, I would love to hear on the comments what books you love and enjoy. I’m kind of out of books on my to read list. Thanks!!!

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

A sensitive isue(so don't read if you get offended easily:)

Hello friends! Sorry I didn’t blog last night. I was busy so I didn’t think to. So anyway what I was going to tell you was my mom is going to make me take an ACT test. It’s a college entrance test.L I was pretty mad. I mean I am just fourteen. I shouldn’t have to worry about that kind of thing for a few years. My test is on Saturday. Anyway I should be able to go to A Series of Unfortunate Events on Friday to make up for it.J I am excited. I got on the Internet and looked up the movies and it looked way good. Plus my best friends both said it’s good. My sister has read the books (as have I) and she said I would be a good Carmalita Spats. I’m not so sure that I like that.
Well, I was just thinking about the controversy concerning growing up. I was talking to my friend and I said play once during our conversation and she said it was behind the times to say play. So if I said I was playing instead of hanging out on my blog I would be considered immature. But really, what’s the difference? Are we so excited to throw away our childhood we think of it as immature to say play in connection to what we are and what we do? And make-up. I know this girl in my church and she wears more make -up than our leaders, way more. I don’t even use it. I don’t think its bad by any means but what’s the point? My friend uses it for church and it looks nice. But this other girl seems to think that the more make-up you use, and the more you talk about boys the more grown up you are. It makes me think about a little four year old trying on her mothers wedding dress. It’s too big for her. The more she stresses it the bigger the wedding dress. I might be wrong but I wear baggy T-shirts, Levi’s and tennis shoes. I have some friends that are boys, mostly my cousins, but I don’t get all goo goo ga ga about them. The thing is I seem to have more fun than this girl does. She is always matchmaking her friends. She has had four ‘boyfriends" since she moved here two years ago. It seems to me that she should be the extreme but she isn’t. If anything she is the imitator of the big people who really (to me) are experts of making them selves look stupid. It’s great to look nice, so if make-up helps you get to that goal, I love it. But if you wear it in extreme all you do is say to the world "I’m all for the show." You look hollow like you need powder to make you feel good about yourselves. And I know that isn’t the message you’re trying to get across but that is the message I get. So for at least for now I will have boys who are friends instead of boyfriends, I will play instead of hang out, look nice instead of overdressed, have fun instead of looking cool and if the day ever comes when that changes, I will be mad at myself, I will lose my sisters respect and most of all I will lose myself somewhere between the make-up, fancy clothes and boys. So I choose to keep myself even if people think I am immature.

Monday, February 07, 2005

Sympathy and a Series of Unfortunate Events

Well I just got on for a few minutes to gain your sympathy. I take a spanish class from our neighbors and they loaded me down with homework.Yuck. This means that I wont be able to dig into my books. I'm now reading a Series of Unfortunate events. I'm really enjoying them. But I can't read them until saturday. That makes me mad.Oh,well. My mom needs the phone so I'll finish tonight.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Laddie and a thought

Today had some high points and some low points. High points: no school, possibility of going to see A Series of Unfortunate Events or Phantom of the Opera with my sister. Low points: big fight with my sister, cleaning and my friend is going to be busy for a month or so.
Anyway I read a really good book called Laddie by Gene Stratton Porter. It is the story of a young girl and her brother. She was the youngest of eleven. He was one of the oldest. When she was first born nobody wanted her but Laddie. She became his devoted servant and friend. When a pretty young girl moves across the street she becomes his messenger taking back and forth notes. But when a mysterious visitor arrives everything gets messed up. It has a story line but also has many diversions. Highly recommended. Also by this author Freckles, Girl of the Limberlost, The Harvester.
As a closing note I was wondering what would life be like without people you can really confide in? I have one person I can confide in and she means the world to me. If I didn’t have her I would totally lose it. Like there would be nothing to life. When we fight we never even see each other. It sucks. I don’t get out of the house except for church and youth group. I don’t even hang out with my other friends when we fight. So what if she were to move? I would want to hang out with her and she wouldn’t be there for me and I would be so lonely. Well, I don’t think she is going anywhere for a long time. So, until then I won’t think about it. But it makes you think about how much your friends mean to you. Ya know? When fight you think that they are so mean and then you remember all that they’ve done for you and you begin to feel that you are the one who did everything wrong and usually you are right. Well , I have to go and finish my chores.
Ta ta for now!!!

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

A "Cool" Place

Hi, my name is anya. I am a Christian- heart and soul. I place my trust in the Savior of Souls. Together with Him I am seeking to find a place of my own, a place where I can sing His praises. A place where I can make new friends and a place where I can be me and still fit in, a "cool" place.