Monday, May 16, 2005


For those who tried to comment and found it impossible to do so what happened is I was trying to get it so I could do anonymous comment so that my friends who don't have a blog can still comment and I messed up and did team members instead. And by the way I don't have team members; the people who had comments on that post just did it before I made the change. But I fixed it so feel free to comment.
On Friday I returned to my childhood. I went over to Queen's house to check on T. my little sister who was playing with Queen's little sisters. When I arrived they pounced on me and begged me to run through the sprinklers with them. Seeing that I was in my ratty clothes I agreed. After we had done this a couple of times one of the girls asked me to give her a piggyback through them. After we did this for about 1/2 hour we did hopscotch and then we ate bubbles *gasps of surprise* Yes I did say eat bubbles and yes they do taste like soap. And I guess you are wondering how you eat bubbles. Well after you blow them you catch them on your blowing stick (you don't have to catch them if you are really talented) and pop them with your tongue. It was really fun and I was thinking why can't I go back to my childhood? To be so free and to see the world through a child's view is such fun. And then when the kids were in bed I took a hot shower, watched a movie that they are not allowed to watch (Day After Tomorrow) and after that I read part of a really good book (The tombs of Atuan) and I realized that there are good things to every age. Just as long as you be yourself you can be laid back or way ahead of the people your age. Of course you can't be so stuck in a rut that you are afraid of change and thereby be afraid to truly be yourself. But that's a different subject.
Tomorrow for youth group we are playing baseball. Not ordinary baseball, Jello baseball. *rubs hands together gleefully* This is how you play. The bases are made of Jello and the runs are slip and slide. They said to wear clothes that can be ruined. They say you have to slide into every base. It sounds way way fun. I can't wait.
Anyway I switched rooms with my brother so now I have an upstairs room. The only bad thing is that it gets awfully hot upstairs at night. But other than that I really like it.
Some quotes I found off the Internet that I thought you might enjoy.
"Prayers are the one thing that never come back stamped return to sender."
"They say that the Spirit feels like a fire. Well then call the fire station because there is a blaze here that is out of control."
"I need a calculator to count how many times I count on my Savior."
"God has always been by my side but I didn't reach up to take his hand. I'm hanging on for dear life now"
See ya!! (I guess that I won't see you unless I visit the places where you live so it should be "post later" but I like see ya later better. ;)

Friday, May 06, 2005

Not self pity, just thinking(does this title make sense)

I just got back from shopping. I got some really cute socks. They are yellow and have a lot of different colors striped through it. I also got a poster with all the names of Christ that are found in the bible on it. It looks really cool because it is on a paper that looks like a scroll. It will look nice in my room.

I've been thinking about this for some time and I think I found a good way to explain it. In Matthew 5:16 it says "let your light so shine before men that they may see they good works and glorify thy father which is in heaven." I want my light to shine; to be a beacon so if someone looks at my life they will see the influence God has in my life and want it in theirs. But sometimes I wonder if I am blocking myself from this opportunity. Everybody wants to be in a position to show people the light that Christ has. And sometimes I feel that if I just put a little more effort I can make a bigger difference in my life and others. And this is what the difference is. I think I have a problem in being critical. This problem doesn't come from wanting to change people rather it comes an insecurity I have. When I first moved here I was kind of deluded. I kind of saw them as idols. I was afraid to say hi to them. Now I see them as people who can be friends and people to enjoy. Likewise when I had my first blog I was afraid to be myself on my it, I was even afraid to comment for fear that my comments wouldn't be good enough. Now that I am getting over this fear I want to make amends so to speak. But now though most of the people have forgiven, forgotten, and have become my friends. But some of the people won't forgive me. They have even humiliated me publicly. And even though that hurts what hurts more is the fact that by doing this I have ruined the chance to show them that Christ is the greatest. That he'll save them, always be there for them. And so I wonder if I had said something nice instead of mean might have helped them to Christ and salvation? That thought hurts. So now I have decided that I will make a conscious effort to do better.
By the way it was my birthday yesterday and my sister zaya gave me the DVD Phantom of the Opera!! She is so awesome. Well we are going to watch What’s up Doc with Babra Streisand. I love her movies and that one in particular. Well must go.


We are playing tag.
Here's the scoop on how to play: I pick 5 occupations out of the list below and post my answers. Then I tag 3 other people to post their answers on their blog. If I tag you, and you don't want to be a part of this, then that is okay. Just let me know and I'll tag someone else.
The "questions": If I could be a scientist...If I could be a farmer...If I could be a musician...If I could be a doctor...If I could be a painter...If I could be a gardener...If I could be a missionary...If I could be a chef...If I could be an architect...If I could be a linguist...If I could be a psychologist...If I could be a librarian...If I could be an athlete...If I could be a lawyer...If I could be an inn-keeper...If I could be a professor...If I could be a writer...If I could be a llama-rider...If I could be a bonnie pirate...If I could be an astronaut...If I could be a world famous blogger...If I could be a justice on any one court in the world...If I could be married to any current famous political figure...

If I could be a gardener I would plant cucumbers, peas, strawberries, raspberries and everything yummy. I would live of my labors and I would sell what I didn't eat. I would can and preserve and if there were a famine I would have my garden to keep me going. Plus I'll get a sun tan. :)
If I could be an architect I would discover great things. I would share what I learned and I would revel in the great knowledge of the cities before me.
If I could be a Writer I would write books that are gripping and yet are clean. That teaches lessons of courage but does not preach. I would be world famous. I would sign millions of books and I would have people faint at my feet. No seriously I think I would become attached to my characters. I would weep for them and pray for them. And I think I would want to continue the series as long as possible. You know how you make friends with people in books, cause you can relate to them better plus you see into their whole being. That's what it will be like when I am writing.
If I could be a bonnie pirate (say that with a pirate accent, mate) I would show a normal life pretending to be a merchant and when I left on my bonnie ship instead of doing reputable business I would sail the seven seas and collect treasure and hide it in a cave. Then I would save some for my son (yes he must be a son) and give him a map and throw a lot of complications into his life (taxes, other pirates, bad dreams and his wife would get greedy.)
If I could be a librarian I would try to do things to encourage kids to read and learn. Then after the library closed I would spend a few blissful hours reading all by myself with a little light and some chocolates. Then I would go home to a cat (I'm actually not a cat person but for the sake of the picture, I will endure) and a one room apartment and I would have my own little dinner.
And that is that.
I will now tag
Zaya at
Queen at
And Meg at
Ya know this is really fun. It's like were interacting while learning about each other. Yep. Well I must go as I am going shopping. Should be fun. See ya

Monday, May 02, 2005

Right now i am stranded at the library because it is raining so hard. Well i have a lot happening so i will inform you.
my aunt and her family are coming down to stay with us(right in the middle of a school week) they are pretty nice so it wont be to terrible but it will be very crowded plus i will have to give up my room. Ya so we have been cleaning a ton.
we have had interesting weather lately. A couple days ago it was really wacky. when i woke up it was fog. then it was overcast, then it hailed, then it was really hot and sunny and then it was sunny and cold. and then it rained. whatever.
my friend just got this 14 foot long jumprope and we were jumproping at 9. it was way fun.
and last but not least, we probably wont move. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssss. yup. the people who my dad are working for are cheaters and they told my daddy a lie about the job so it wont be worth the move.
oh just kidding that wasnt the last thing. this guy who has been accused of being my enemy came up and started talking to me. i mumbled hello and ran away. it was really weird.
I'm turning 14 on thursday. ya
well i have to go now. bye