Monday, April 18, 2005

I am so proud of myself. Today as I was commenting I let myself do an i instead of an I. I realized that people don't have to be perfect. I come on my blog to have fun, vent myself and grow. Not to be a school mistress. So this is what i learned today( see i did it again) you do not have to be perfect. And if you are you have a lot of time to type. That is all. BYE BYE

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Yay Queen!!

Last night I went to the opening night of Queen’s play, Oliver. She was marvelous. The Queen Mum was also in the play. It was so much fun to watch them. I could go every night except it is much too expensive. I might go one more time though. My mom couldn’t take me to the play last night so I went with the Queen and the Queen Mum. This is how it went. I went with her an hour early and watched her get her make-up and costume on. Then I went and purchased a ticket. Then I watched the show. After that I went to the dressing room that she was in and waited for her to change. Then we went upstairs and said hi to everybody. Anyway for any of you who have seen the movie Queen played a part named Bet. Bet isn’t in the movie but she should be. She is Nancy’s sidekick like Oliver is Dodgers sidekick so when Nancy and Dodger sing the I’d do anything for one kiss song then they sing it too. I almost burst out laughing because Bet is two feet taller than Oliver is and he’s singing her this love song in a tiny voice imitating the older people. Anyway she was just so cute and she played her part so well. I would go to her blog and offer her a dozen roses right now if you haven’t already. Anyway Queen is just a marvelous actress and now I will leave you to go to her blog and give her a round of applause.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

* Today I am thinking about getting Halo-scan and I wanted you guys to tell me if you think it’s worth it. The one thing stopping me is my beautiful, insightful, comforting, amazing, comments. Still if I ever got it I would want to do it know before I get anymore comments. The reason I do want to do it is because they are funner. (I know funner is not a real word but I like it.) Anyway they are cuter and cooler and as Shimmer said they are easier to be silly on. So what do you think?
Anyway I wanted to tell you that I loved Phantom of the Opera. It did have some parts that made me really nervous the first time I watched it. The second time was way better though cause I knew that nothing was going to happen. It also depends on whom you are watching it with. I went with my cousin who has gone six times because she loves it so much. It was so much fun to watch it with her. And the music was awesome. I want to get the soundtrack.
And I love Josh Groban. His music is so awesome. It really sends chills up and down my back. I’m listening to him right now. He is kind of new though. He only has two soundtracks. We have them both. I listen to him all the time. I really do. He has a few songs with Charlotte Church (is that how you spell her name?) and Celine Dion.
By the way I didn’t mean to do the green template. It twern an accident. Well I must go now. By the way don’t the colors look so pretty?

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Um… I really don’t have anything to post about. I just want to. Posting is healthy. So is storytelling. My room looks like a bomb just erupted in there. Oh I just learned how to make pretty bead necklaces. Did I already tell you that? Oh well. Anyway the necklaces are really cute. If I find out how to post pictures I’ll post one. If I remember. Now I will post my new outlook on fog. Fog is bad during school hours or if you have a cold ugly room. Fog is nice if you have a nice room with nothing to do besides write or read or watch a movie or post. If you have a nice room to do these things in. In any other circumstances fog is nasty, and intolerable especially when you are in a nasty mood already. So you have my permission to like fog. Which doesn’t really matter anyway. This is a weird post. Do you know that you spell weird weirdly? Well you do. I am going to baby-sit to adorable kids. They fight sometimes. Well don’t we all. I think I am getting the sugar hives only I haven’t had any sugar lately. Now I need to get off before I scare you out of your wits. * Runs of the stage laughing hysterically*

Monday, April 04, 2005


Today my dad dropped a bomb. I just found out that I’m moving to a different state in about one month. I have about 16 times moved this being the first time in all my life I have stayed someplace longer than a year. Plus these are the first friends I’ve had since I was six besides by family and extended family. And it just isn’t the same when they are family. Needless to say I am looking at this screen with watery eyes. Anyway I am so glad I will still have my blog and the connections that come with that. Right now I am feeling sad for the people and things that I will never see again. Such as the people I see twice a week at church, the people I baby-sit for and the people I see at the classes I take. I know I will see my really good friends in the summer but some of the people I know I will never see again. My mom and dad our going to "the place" where we are going to move to look for a house. Anyway I don’t want to talk about this more or I will burst into tears. I love Narnia. When I go there I forget about all the bad things that are going on so as soon as I go on my rounds I will go and read them. I HATE moving.