Friday, August 26, 2005

hi everybody! How are you all? I'm great. Well I was going to post about my summer but tuns has been going on so I will post about that. First and coolest I got to go to one of Amy Grants concerts it was so awesome. I will tell more later. The second thing is that while I was babysitting some adorable kids ( ages 1,1,2,3,5,7 two families) I was cleaning up while the babies played inside and the other kids outside, one of the babies broke the toys he was playing with and started choking on the small piece. It was so frieky (spell?). It took me forever to find the piece and the whole time I was looking for it I thought the baby was going to die, My thoughts were going so fast. I was thinking of what I was going to tell their parents. It was so awful.When it finaly came out I felt like crying. I'm acually still babysitting so I will divulge all later.